Friday, February 8, 2008

M.D.K. ( Murder Death Kill)

M.D.K is a 3rd person shooter game developed by Shiny Entertainment and released in 1997 by Playmates Interactive Entertainment for the PC, Macintosh, and subsequently PlayStation. It was one of the first PC games to require a Pentium or equivalent processor, (although it could also run on a 486 processor by using a version specific command line argument) and did not initially have a GPU requirement. The games soundtrack is composed by Tommy Tallarico.
The game tells the story of its protagonist, Kurt Hectic and his attempts to rescue Earth from an alien invasion of gigantic minning city-vehicles named 'Minecrawlers', which are not only removing all of earth's natural resources but are also flattening any people and cities that get in their way. The game combined fast action with fully 3D rendered, state-of-the art (for the time) graphics and a warped sense of humour. It featured a "sniper mode" that allowed the player to zoom in on an enemy targets.

MDK's gameplay is usually a third person shooter, except when sniper mode is entered. As expected, Kurt has a wide range of weapons to choose from, which differ in standard gameplay and sniper mode.

In addition to the standard run-and-gun/sniper modes, there are a few mini-games in MDK.All levels start out with the atmospheric re-entry (explained below), while some levels have a bombing run, boarding a glider and dropping iron bombs on enemies. This clears the enemies far easier than would be on foot and often garners extra weapons.

There are also a few special game modes in different levels. One level has snowboarding sequences where Kurt must navigate obstacles while destroying enemies along the way. In another level, Kurt must disguise himself as a sentry robot to deceive guards.

Important! You have to extract the game to c:\mdk. Otherwise it wont work. Also, run this game in Windows, by using the MDK95.exe file.

Download Link: click here